DIAMED, the project to support the creation of businesses and investment by the diasporas
DIAMED, the project to support the creation of businesses and investment by the diasporas https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_diamed.jpg 500 197 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo_diamed.jpgOn 29 December 2015 DiaMed, a regional project supported by the EU, published a retrospective of the highlights of its activity at mid-term and its goals for 2016.
DiaMed aims to promote the commitment of institutional and local economic players, the involvement of the diasporas and the realisation of the full potential of the Maghreb’s young graduates while encouraging a spirit of enterprise and the transfer of skills.
80% of Diamed’s total budget (€2.3 million) is financed by the European Commission. Its goal is to support activity creation and jobs in the Maghreb on the theme of “migration, training and support for jobs and local development”.
By 2016 Diamed plans to contribute to local development and strengthen entrepreneurship in the Maghreb countries through activities designed to support investment projects, innovation transfer, training, coaching and personalised support.
Source http://www.ader-mediterranee.com/fileadmin/medias/pdf/NL_Diamed_2015_Version_A4_Separees_04.pdf