Women For Change
Women for Change was a biennal project (2011-2012) funded by the EuropeAid Cooperation Office, which managed the external cooperation programs of the EU.

Key People
Key knowledge for Iraqi Women
“Key People, Key knowledge for Iraqi Women” is a project conceived and leaded by MEDITER. The project was implemented with the collaboration of several international and local partners such as: The Municipality of Mosul, University of Mosul, Women Empowerment Organization in Erbil, Mosul Chamber of Commerce, Ninawa Governorate and University of Rome “Tor Vergata” CEIS (Centre for economics and international studies).

Idea – C
Intercultural Dimension for Euroepan Active Citizenship
The project IDEA-C was an EU funded project aiming to restore electoral faith among EU citizens and to promote the democratic engagement and civic participation. It took part of “Measure Networks of Towns” within the Europe for Citizens Programme.

Integrating Migrant Children at Schools through Artistic Expression
The ArtsTogether project aims at developing and testing a curriculum based on artistic activities and collaborative approaches that will be used in order to equip teachers for dealing with diversity, fostering mutual understanding and respect among their students and improve the educational performance of migrant students.

Act as Youth Leaders
The project “Act as Youth Leader” (AYL) aims to strenght the youth policies development in the Philippines (with a focus on Muslim youth groups from the south) by structuring a more efficient participatory process of the youth in the political life.

M.I.C.R.O. Project
Migrants Ideas Converted in Real Opportunities
M.I.C.R.O. is a European project that focused at micro-credit operators and NGOs who work with migrants interested in starting a business. Despite the economic crisis of recent years, it has emerged that the entrepreneurship of immigrants is constantly growing both in Italy and in the rest of Europe. However, there are some critical issues related above all to the difficulty of finding the information necessary for starting a company and poor entrepreneurial training.

Women Leaders in the Governance of Algerian Civil Society
The project “AMINA – Women Leaders in the Governance of Algerian Civil Society” is a cooperation project which aims to strengthen the capacity of Civil Society Organizations as governance actors.

Past Times- Stories
Tales and Customs to Raise Intercultural Awareness
PAST-TIMES is an Erasmus+ funded project, running from September 3rd 2018 to September 2nd 2020. The objective of the PAST-TIMES project is to address the three contexts of 1) Ageing population in Europe, 2) rising of racism and intolerance and 3) current significant influx of migrants with a comprehensive intergenerational programme of activities .