About us:
MEDITER is the product of an European funded project “Women for Change” funded in 2011, but above all is the product of cooperative efforts developed over many years of work by various partners working in the Mediterranean region to reduce the imbalances, conflicts, develop forms of solidarity and cooperation.
MEDITER strives to have a double impact: on the EU institutions and on populations (especially young women) in Mediterranean countries. MEDITER aims to build a new local leadership in the Mediterranean region and promotes the strategic role of human resources by linking cultures, knowledge and skills. It also aims at boosting cultural exchanges between the countries bordering the Mediterranean, based on their common cultural heritage. It allows synergies between local and global actors.
It reinforces the construction of a regional identity, supports a dialectical relationship between Europe and the Mediterranean.
In this context, MEDITER promotes the development of cooperation relations between the Mediterranean countries with the conviction that such relations are a priority for the development of a common horizon of civilization. That’s why Mediter solicits for membership, the local authorities, NGOs, foundations, universities, small businesses and nonprofit organizations at the local and international level.
Moreover, MEDITER values the strategic role of human resources in linking cultures, knowledge and skills.
It aims, in addition, to stimulate socio-cultural exchange between the countries bordering the Mediterranean by relying on the common cultural heritage.
Objectives of the network:
The network aims at continuous training and production services to the local Mediterranean stakeholders in the framework of EU programs, in collaboration with existing networks actives in the area.
The association aims to:
– Improve the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in the economic, social, political and cultural fields with special attention paid to the establishment, support and strengthening women’s leadership in the Mediterranean Basin, including at the civil society organizations level;
– Create a network of actors that may promote the sharing and transfer of
knowledge, strategic skills and innovative good practices in the Euro-Mediterranean area;
– Initiate a process of co-development between countries on both shores of the
Mediterranean, through a support to public and private stakeholders for better strategic planning considering gender approach;
– Education to the prospective approach to implement solutions and sustainable human development livable integrated policies on both sides of the Mediterranean.

Safadi Foundation
The mission of Safadi Foundation is to empower vulnerable communities in Lebanon, with a specific focus on women and youth, to find sustainable solutions that will enable them to play a participatory role in the country’s national development process. Our aim is to reduce socio-economic regional disparities, decrease the gender-gap, and narrow the vacuum between citizens and their governing institutions. Through developing innovative strategies we will reduce poverty, increase access to labor markets and educate local communities to play an enhanced role in civic engagement.
Read MoreCAWTAR - Center of Arab Women for Training and Research
The Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research (CAWTAR) was created in 1993 in response to the request of a number of Arab governments and civil society organizations and institutions. CAWTAR is dedicated to working in a region where women and men are equal in rights and in practice, where gender gaps have been overcome and where women and men can participate equally in achieving prosperity.
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GRAIF - Groupement régional pour l’action et l’information des femmes
GRAIF is a recognized association of general interest, to promote gender equality in Provence Alps Côte
Read MoreJordan River Foundation
Driven by values of social justice, impactful interventions to alleviate poverty, and socio-economic empowerment – focusing on women and youth, JRF implements various programs to achieve its mission of transforming Jordanian communities.
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Réseau de Femmes pour le Mentoring - Networking
Moroccan women mentoring and networking aims at the development of women through the introduction and the practice of mentoring TOGETHER, we can grow and shine.
Read MorePlease find all MEDITER network members:
1. IFAW – Independent Forum for the Albanian Woman
2. AIDA – Ayuda, Intercambio y Desarrollo
3. IRIS Provincia di Pescara
5. Safadi Foundation
6. FWE Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs
8. C.E.S.E.S. Centro Europa Scuola Educazione Società
10. Cafebabel Greece
11. Babel España Comunicación
12. IMADEL Istitut Marocain pour le dévelopment local
13. B.I.A.T. Center
14. FFM
15. Cafebabel Roma
16. Rassemblement démocratique des femmes libanaises – branche du nord
17. Université Libanaise Branche Nord – faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
18. Association pour cooperation, developpement et santé (Taawon, Tanmiya, Sohha)
19. LDN – Lebanese Development Network
20. CJD KAIROUAN Centre des jeunes dirigeants d’entreprise
21. Key People
22. Legacoop Abruzzo
23. RICA rete imprese cooperative ambientali
24. Rene Mouawad Foundation
25. Consorzio Forcoop
26. Jordan River Foundation
27. ASM Association de Sauvegarde de la Médina de Tunis
28. A.G.C.I. Federazione Abruzzo
29. Fondazione Mediterraneo
30. DE.4 Univ. Malta
32. AMEL
33. Tabasco Vidéo
34. MIND – Med INnovation Dialogue
35. Arab Education Forum
36. ARCI Napoli
37. Réseau des femmes pour le Mentoring-Networking
38. WEST Welfare, Society, Territory
39. RUWWAD Arab Foundation for Sustainable Development
40. People Help the People
41. Provincia di Roma
42. Fondazione Risorsa Donna
43. Femmes et leadership
44. AFCARE Association des Femmes Cadres Algériennes
45. UAF – Union d’Action Féminine
46. ADFM – Association Démocratique des Femmes Marocaines
47. 44 CNFCE – Chambre nationale des femmes chefs d’entreprise
48. FDA – Association de Développement des Familles
49. GHJW – Fédération Générale des Femmes Jordaniennes
50. IEMed – Institut Européen de la Méditerranée
51. ARCS ARCI Cultura e Sviluppo
53.PRONTIC Centre developpement
54. University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah – USMBA
56. ESMO S.r.l Rome ITALY
57. SIDIGMED Rome Italy
58. Consiglio italiano del Movimento Europeo – CIME – ROME – ITALY
59. UNINETTUNO (Università Telematica internazionale – UNINETTUNO)
60. IICIC No. 4, 7Th Floor, Ansari Ave.Vali Asr St. Tehran, IRAN
Being a member
Members have access to:
– Organization of training sessions in particular for active women in the
local authorities, associations and NGOs in the Euro-Mediterranean region;
– Organization of events which can contribute to create synergies between different stakeholders from different universes, in order to help to reduce sexist prejudice and strengthen the exchange of ideas and good practices;
– A constant training activity / information through various channels, in order to insure the sharing of all knowledge and useful information;
– Encouragement to the creation of international partnerships and the participation into some European Union calls for proposals and into other national / international institutions related to the statutory subject;
– Organization of any other event or activity (lecture, discussion, seminar, workshop, etc.)
which can contribute directly or indirectly to the achievement of non-profit objectives, including, in the limits allowed by law, through business and lucrative accessories, of which the product will be fully devoted to the realization non-profit objectives.
Network Governance
The Board of Directors of the network includes individuals and institutions who are already partners for European projects about Mediterranean topics, which have already worked together and who know the area and the issues faced by women in local authorities.