NextMed Conference
NextMed Conference https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/maxresdefault-2-620x330-1.jpg 620 330 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/maxresdefault-2-620x330-1.jpgThe NextMed Conference was held on December 12th 2014. Over 500 participants took part to the launch of new phase of cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean.
Achievements and new challenges of the ENPI/ENI CBC Med Programme were discussed during the event, sponsored by the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Enhanced cooperation among countries of the region under the new European Neighbourhood Instrument was highlighted as a contribution to a more integrated Mediterranean region, from the economic, political, social, and cultural points of view.
The first session of the conference was dedicated to “New challenges for Mediterranean cooperation”. The second session focused on the strategy of the ENI CBC Med Programme for 2014-2020.
The Programme will offer cooperation opportunities between partners from the Mediterranean area in fields of intervention such as economic development, education and research, social inclusion and environmental protection.
The ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 is funded by the European Union and it is managed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy).