Project summary
Project summary https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/KeyPeople_banner_large1-779x1024.jpg 779 1024 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/KeyPeople_banner_large1-779x1024.jpg“KEY- PEOPLE Key knowledge for Iraqi Women” is a project conceived and leaded by MEDITER (Resèau euro-mèditerranèen pour la cooperation). It includes several international players: Municipality of Mosul, University of Mosul WEO (Women Empowerment Organization in Erbil), Mosul Chamber of Commerce,Ninawa Governorate – IRAQ, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” CEIS (Centre for economics and international studies).
Started in Spring 2014, it will last 36 months. Most of the activities will be held and will affect the north of Iraq and in particular in the Urban area of Mosul and of the Governorate of Ninawa.
The target of the project are 100 women working in Local Authority, women members of local NGO and SME. The final beneficiaries – at the end of the project – are about 10.000 people, prevalently women who will be affected by a gradual process of social inclusion based on transfer of skills, business creation, business consulting, networking, mentoring, microcredit activities, co-management services, survey of needs in the area, creating dialogue with social stakeholders.
The goal of the project is helping a social inclusion of women in Iraq, to support the female leadership inside the local enterprises (SME) and of the NGOs and, through them, giving an answer adapted to the risks of economic, political and cultural marginalisation of the territory of North Iraq.
According to Mediter, a strategic key of sustainable development lies in its capacity to connect local institutions and enterprises, NGOs and associations, encouraging a shared strategic plan at a regional level.
That’s why the project also aims at strengthening relations and synergies between Local Authorities and other actors, to enhance stability and equal opportunities for economical development and social and cultural growth.
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.