World No Tobacco Day 2012
World No Tobacco Day 2012 https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Stop-smoking.jpg 720 480 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Stop-smoking.jpgEuroMediter is pleased to adhere to the World No Tobacco Day 2012! The initiative is observed around the world every year on May 31st. It is meant to encourage a 24-hour period of abstinence from all forms of tobacco consumption across the globe. The day is further intended to draw global attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and to negative health effects, which currently lead to 5.4 million deaths worldwide annually. The member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 in order to inform the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.