EU Neighbourhood Info Centre photo database
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre photo database 1024 576 Euro Mediter Neighbourhood Info Centre photo database
Pictures about EU-funded projects are available on EU Neighbourhood Info Centre photo. Pictures can be used to illustrate websites, newsletters, publications, posters, give- bookmarks, power-point presentatione.
The Info Centre photo database has photos showing activity on the ground and real people who are benefitting from EU cooperation with your country.
The Info Centre photos are taken by professional photographers in the Neighbourhood partner countries and are free to use so long as copyright (EU/Info Centre + photographer – as indicated in captions) is respected.
The photos on our website can be searched by country or by theme:
Photos from South are on
The Info Centre has also created an EU Visibility gallery, a series of photos that include general visibility elements, like the EU flag: ;iden=1262
All photos can also be found on Flickr photostream @N 08/
For further information
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