Funds for Peace Process in the Middle East
Funds for Peace Process in the Middle East https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/crowdfunding-funding-ideas-banknote-royalty-free-thumbnail.jpg 350 218 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/crowdfunding-funding-ideas-banknote-royalty-free-thumbnail.jpgA call for proposals has been published by the European Commission: 4.7 million of euros are available for the EU Partnership for Peace Programme (Middle East Peace Projects), which seeks to help create the conditions for the peace process to advance and provide a solid foundation within society for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.
The reference of the call is EuropeAid/135-256/L/ACT/PMO.
The deadline for submission of concept notes is 24 February 2014 at 16:00 local time.
The programme Middle East Peace Projects aims to:
• promote civil society peace building and conflict transformation actions, via initiatives which are likely to have an impact on people’s everyday lives.
• support practical actions aiming at rebuilding mutual trust through reconciliation, building capacity for non-violent approaches to conflict resolution, empowering marginalized parties and launching joint development policies and strategies.
• strengthen direct civil society relationships and co-operation based on equality and reciprocity between Palestinians and Israelis, including the Arab minority in Israel.
All actions must be implemented in Palestine and/or Israel and/or Jordan. Specific activities, within the scope of the action and if duly justified, can be implemented also in EU Members States, Europe at large, as well as in the other ENPI South countries.
For further information