High-Level Event on Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development
High-Level Event on Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo-eyd-639x426-whitebg-620x330-1.png 620 330 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo-eyd-639x426-whitebg-620x330-1.pngOn the 2nd of March it was held in Riga (Latvia) an event on “Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development”.
The “High-Level Event on Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development” was organised in Riga on 2 March 2015 in the context of the European Year for Development 2015 constituted a milestone on the road through 2015
The Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU is strongly committed to accelerating progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment and has put this theme as a priority for development cooperation. Women’s equal rights and economic empowerment, as much as ending violence against women and girls, are not only a matter of social justice; they are also an effective way to promote sustainable and inclusive growth. While a lot has been achieved, challenges are numerous and complex, both within the EU and in partner countries.
The event was composed by three panels:
• Panel 1 – Empowering Economics: Enabling an Environment Conducive for full Participation of Women
• Panel 2 –Women in Entrepreneurship: a Multidimensional Contribution to Sustainable Development
• Panel 3 -Strengthening the Dimension of Women’s Economic Empowerment in Post-2015 framework
Participants in the High-Level Event shared ideas and practices for ensuring women’s equal rights and access to economic resources and for unlocking women’s economic potential. Discussions underlined the importance of multi-stakeholder partnerships, the universality of challenges and the multi-dimensional nature of response measures, covering a wide range of sectors such as education, family planning, access to finance and social protection.
For any further information click on https://europa.eu/eyd2015/en/latvia/events/event-gender-0203