Parliament approves new European Neighbourhood Instrument with more than €15 billion for 2014-20
Parliament approves new European Neighbourhood Instrument with more than €15 billion for 2014-20 620 330 Euro Mediter deal with EU member states on six foreign policy funds – including more than €15 billion for the new European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) – was endorsed by the European Parliament. The total funding for the six instruments is worth over €51 billion for the period 2014-2020, and covers neighbouring and partner countries, pre-accession assistance, as well as peace-keeping, democracy and human-rights actions.
The European Commission welcomed the vote, saying it would “enable the EU to continue to be a global player and promote its interests and values”.
The final budget for the ENI stands at €15.433 billion (current prices), which is overall comparable with the total funding allocated under the current ENPI for 2007-2013.
The European Neighbourhood Instrument was endorsed by 618 votes to 53, with 8 abstentions.
Building on the achievements of the current European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), the ENI will support strengthening of relations with Neighbourhood countries and bring tangible benefits to both the EU and its partners. It will provide support through bilateral, multi-country and Cross Border Co-operation (CBC) programmes.
The European Parliament said its intervention meant EU foreign policy spending would be more efficient and more effective, with greater democratic scrutiny.
Source : ENPI