Project Summary
Project Summary https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Micro-1-1024x1024.png 1024 1024 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Micro-1-1024x1024.pngMediter is partner of the project “M.I.C.R.O.”
Please CLICK HERE to view the leaflet concerning the final meeting scheduled on 17/10/2017
Mediter network is one of the partner of project “M.I.C.R.O.” (Migrants Ideas Converted in Real Opportunities) financed by European Union in the framework of programme Erasmus+, Call 2015 KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for adult education.
The project respond to the mission of the ITALIAN NATIONAL MICROCREDIT AGENCY on promoting microfinance to pursue poverty eradication and combat social exclusion.
The “Strategic Partnership” will analyze the situation that migrants face when they open a business. One of the obstacle that migrants face is the lack of professional workers with transferable skills. Another one is the inappropriate technical competencies they have on management and business. On the other side the economical problem will be approached trough the promotion of microfinance loan.
The partners are coming from different context (NGOs working on migrants issue, Microfinance institutions and SME) to facilitate the exchange of good practices and expertises. Besides Mediter network, there are as partners: Ente nazionale per il microcredito – Rome; Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnuetzige GmbH – Leipzig; Accion contra el hambre – Madrid; Fundaccion Nantik LUM – Madrid; Ce.S.F.Or. Centro Studi Formazione Orientamento – Roma.
- The entities involved in this project are:
– Ente Nazionale per il Microcredito
– Mediter
– Ce.S.F.Or – Centro Studi Formaziones Orientamento
– Wisamar
- The main objectives are:
– Increasing capacity and professionalism to better support the migrants’ request on business field.
– Creating a vocational training adapted to the specific needs of migrants and make it accessible through a web platform.
– Promoting the credit access to non-bankable trough microfinance
- The main activities are:
– Exhchange of good practicies
– Vocational Training course
– Final conference
– Info Days
- Provisional schedule of the project
March 2016, Rome: best practices exchange
April 2016, Madrid: project meeting
June 2016, Rome: training course
November 2016, Germany: project meeting
September 2017, Brussels: multiplier event
November 2017, Rome: final meeting