Videos https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/video.jpg 619 328 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/video.jpgConference at the University Cihan in Erbil
On the 19th of april 2015 was held the conference and public presentation of the Study at the University Cihan in Erbil. The conference was attended by approximately 150 participants, representatives of different NGOs, International Organsiations, Local Authorities, Diplomats and University Professors such as the Governor of Ninawa; the Governor of Erbil; the President of the Council of Ninawa; the Ambassador of USA; Representatives from UN and USAID; the President of the University of Mousl; the President of the University of Cihan. The Governor of Ninawa, The Governor of Erbil, the President of Council of Ninawa and the president of the University of Mosul were the first speakers of the conference. They affirmed again their support to the project and the project partners for delivering all the planned activities and for the achievement of the expected results. After the local authorities Mr. Matteucci and Mrs. Suzan Aref described the project, the project objectives and activities to the participants highlighting that this project is supported by the European Union.