Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean – Working for youth
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean – Working for youth https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/fgh.jpg 599 272 Euro Mediter https://euromediter.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/fgh.jpgThe Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean participated at the Ninth Dubai International Humanitarian Aid & Development Conference & Exhibition – DIHAD, in Dubai (1-3 April, 2012). The theme for the DIHAD 2012 Conference was The Role and Importance of Youth in Humanitarian Assistance and Developmen. PAM was represented by Hon. Najima Thay Thay Rhozali, former Member of Parliament and Secretary of State for Education and Youth, Morocco. She recalled that the youth in the region are considered as the most strategic actors and have been key in the transformation process, and therefore a vehicle for change in the political landscape. Youth must be enabled to bring down barriers and provide them with the tools needed to flourish and for this to take place. ‘I am convinced that employment and education are the main challenges of both youth, and us parliamentartians. These challenges should be our priority commitments both on a national, as well as, on a regional level. And with regards to employment, we must enable creativity and innovation by sustaining youth-led development, including full support to microfinance and entrepreneurship, as well as, assistance to start-ups and SMEs.” Hon. Rhozali concluded.
To check the web page of the forum where the Parliaments of the Mediterranean region come together and operate to reach those common objectives towards the creation of the best political, social, economic and cultural environment and conditions for the fellow citizens of the member states, plase click here